Plan A Visit

When & Where?

Location: 3217 Airport Rd, Pearcy, AR 71964

Service Times: Sundays 10:00AM & Wednesdays 7:00PM

What to expect?

Sundays start at 10:00AM with classes for kids, youth, and adults across our campus. We all come together for family worship service at 10:50 AM in the sanctuary.

Midweek Service- We gather on Wednesday nights at 7:00PM with three separate, concurrent services across the campus for kids, youth, and adults. On First Wednesday each month we all gather together for a midweek family worship service.

How to dress? You’ll find a wide range of dress styles in our diverse and growing congregation. Come as you are! You will see a range from suit and tie to jeans and t-shirts.

What’s the worship service like? We believe in expressing our love for God in worship. You will see people lift their hands, clap their hands, sing out-loud, and pray for one another. We would love for you to join us at whatever level you are comfortable!

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